Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Standardized Testing or Bust

My school is taking the CRCT test this week and it got me thinking…this is the “big” test that determines so much. Why does this one test control so much? How is that even fair?
I am a firm believer that every child learns differently and that children have different learning criterion. Schools need to be intrinsically motivating to customize education in a way that accommodates those learning needs. Schools need to move into a student-centric approach. Standardized-test scores often measure superficial thinking. If the goal is educate every student, asking schools to ensure that every student has the skills to escape the chains of poverty and have a hope of the American Dream we must find a way to move in to a student-centered model of learning.
The time, energy, and money that are being spent to prepare students for standardized tests are mind blowing.  Important factors of school are being sacrificed to make way for standardized-testing. When will it stop?

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